Author :  

Year-Number: 2017-15
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 7-10
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Sinonimliyin sintaktik kateqoriya kimi d? q?bul edilm?si cüml? üzvl?ri il? cüml?l?r arasındakı semantic paralellikl? sıx bağlıdır.Sintaktik sinonimlik dilin son yarusuna daxil olan müxt?lif s?ciyy?li dil vahidl?rind? ?ks olunur.Sintaktik sinonimlik termininin özünü n? d?r?c?d? doğrultması diqq?t c?lb ed?n probleml?rd?ndir. M?lumdur ki, sinonimlik anlayışı ilk növb?d? dilin leksik s?viyy?si il? bağlıdır. T?qdim etdiyimiz m?qal?d? sintaktik sinonimliyin ?sas xüsusiyy?tl?ri araşdırılır. Az?rbaycan dilinin sintaksisi öz ?nginliyi il? eyni m?zmunun müxt?lif forma v?strukturlarla ifad?si üçün münbit ş?rait yaradır. Budaq cüml?l?ri feli t?rkibl?r? çevirm?kl? ümumi strukturda aparılan ?m?liyyat ifad? olunan ?sas m?zmuna x?l?l g?tirmir. ?slind? eyni m?zmunun müxt?lif formalarda veril? bilm?si dilin çevikliyini göst?rir. Sintaktik strukturların müxt?lifliyi h?r hansı bir dilin inkişaf s?viyy?si il? sıx bağlıdır. Sintaktik quruluş n? q?d?r çox inkişaf ed?rs?, fikir ifad?sinin forma imkanları da o q?d?r geniş olar.



The syntactic acceptance as a syntactic category is closely linked to semantic parallels between sentence sentences and sentences. Syntactic synonyms are reflected in the various language units included in the last half of the language. The extent to which the syntactic synonymic term is self-centered is one of the problems that draw attention. It is known that synonymy is first of all related to the lexical level of language. In the article we examine the key features of syntactic synonyms. The syntax of the Azerbaijani language creates favorable conditions for the expression of the same content with various formulas. Transformation of the syllable into fusion compounds does not undermine the main content that is expressed in the overall structure. In fact, the ability to make the same content in different forms shows the agility of the language. The variety of syntactic structures is closely linked to the developmental level of any language. The more developed the syntactic structure, the greater the possibilities of form expression.


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